RFID & Supply Chain
Only the adoption of RFID technology in Tier 1 by the component manufacturers and distributors of spare parts for vehicles, will allow precise products identification and proper management of the warehouses.

Recently, RFID systems have been adopted in many business applications, demonstrating the potential and advantages of this technology for the identification, in particular compared to the bar codes method. The supply chain is one of the areas in which RFID systems will be particularly useful for ensuring the availability of accurate and updated data, to support collaboration between different actors involved in the supplier-customer relationship. The application scenario in which the RFID has high expression is the inventory management in real time.
What is the self-identification?
It’s a method based on information reading, collecting and sharing and direct input of data into computers and systems without human intervention.
What the achievable results?
- Development of collaborative commerce model
- Realization of self-identification processes
- Creation of Network based on electronic product code
- Global Data Synchronization

It’s possible to process heterogeneous data resulting from the movement of goods which are constantly tracked via RFID tags and smart sensors.
Mobile information

The development of computing devices, in a landscape of great economic social changes, puts the RF as the instrument that will drive the Future.