We operate on established standards and emerging technologies
The adherence to industry or reference standards, allows us to implement interoperable solutions, compared to third party systems and a proper exchange of information. We apply emerging technologies to guarantee the investment in the medium term.
Main business
ENGINET develops, distributes and maintains the project Motorplan, an innovative web format sector, based on a toolbox of applications, designed to manage the entire life cycle of components Aftermarket for the car, commercial and industrial vehicles.
The Motorplan Network is a project addressed to the International Automotive Aftermarket components. The basic concept is founded on Web-centricity (the key to B2B-B2C), which through the "network effect" enables more services, products and information’s from producer to consumer, and from consumer to producer, providing on each level a package of solutions compared to functional barriers in this sector.
The purpose of the new method of distribution and sale of spare parts, expressed through the Network Motorplan, is to improve the logistic flows together with the increase of revenues.
Our departments
We work on four operation areas to face every need.

We constantly explore the technology world in search of novelty. We support in private the research costs for the results for internal use.

We design the software architecture, codify and test the application, then we validate the entire system. All in a web environment, ready to work on network architectures.

We consider every aspect, starting from the current state or the route that leads to the objective. We validate and orient the processes in function of the result.

We abbreviate your time to market. If you need to promote the functioning and implementation of new software service we provided you, we can do it for you!
We intend to use the Internet for the commercial exchanges, not only as a service and as a tool of multilateral distribution, but also as a possibility to create and explore new markets.